
Monday, July 14, 2003

Bring ‘em on: US troops ambushed in central Baghdad. One American soldier killed, six wounded. Bring ‘em on: US soldier wounded in RPG attack in Baghdad suburb. Bring ‘em on: US troops attacked at Baghdad checkpoint. One Iraqi policeman killed, four wounded responding to call for assistance. (Buried deep in this story.) Bring ‘em on: Al Qaeda group claims responsibility for attacks on US troops, promises more. “The group, whose name had not been heard of before, also issued a vague warning of a new attack in days to come that would ‘break the back of America completely.’” Hey Condi, weren't you warned that invading Iraq would help, not hurt, anti-American terrorists? And where is Osama bin Laden? Bring ‘em on:Car bomb detonated near Iraqi police station in Baghdad. One killed. The device may have been intended for a US troop target and exploded prematurely. CENTCOM reports one US soldier killed, two injured in vehicle accident. CENTCOM issues situation report on second day of Operation Ivy Serpent: Eight hundred 82-mm mortar rounds, 50 AK-47s, 26 rocket-propelled grenades and three hand grenades confiscated, and 226 individuals detained. Six of the detainees are former regime loyalist leaders. US suspects Saudi sponsored Wahhabi fundamentalists in Iraqi anti-American attacks. Condi, please explain again why we attacked Iraq, especially the part about links to anti-American terrorism. US appointed Iraqi governing council meets. Replaces six Baathist holidays with one new holiday. Iraqis skeptical; “too many former exiles…just a tool of the United States.” Rummy: More troops might be needed in Iraq. Rummy, please tell me why you ignored to General Shinseki. Article on tensions in Tikrit. “’Tikrit is like the Mason-Dixon line,’ said a sergeant in the U.S. Special Forces operating in Saddam Hussein's hometown.” Afghanistan: US plan “unravels.” Plan? What plan? It’s no fun if you have a plan. Diplomatic front: Russians angry with US ambassador’s remarks. Home Front: Bush well-greased fundraising machine.


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